April 2013 Meeting Minutes

Minutes of the Cayuga Bird Club Meeting, April 8, 2013

President Linda Orkin called the meeting to order at 7:25 tonight to accommodate two presentations. First, she attended to regular club business:

Vice President Paul Anderson reported on field trips. Since the last meeting there have been two:

Three upcoming trips are:

Susan Danskin read the checklist of the Cayuga Basin. 

The first speaker was Andy Zepp, Executive Director of the Finger Lakes Land Trust. He spoke about the current projects of the trust, the way they try to go about acquiring land for the trust over the long term, and the desire to connect parcels of land so as to have continuous green areas. He encouraged people to participate in the Land Trust.

The main speaker of the night was David Nicosia whose speech was entitled “Highways in the Sky— Wind and Weather Patterns for Bird Migration.” He showed how birds can be picked up by radar and told us how the tools used by meteorologists in looking at the weather can also help to predict migrations. David mentioned the website Birdcast.info as a place to look for some of these predictions.

Respectfully submitted,

Becky Hansen