Congratulations!  You just helped us monitor the success of our efforts by comparing plant species diversity inside and outside of this plot.

When we started improving the habitat here, we found only about 4 native tree species in the canopy of Lighthouse Point Woods and another five or so shrub species in the understory, with most of those being non-native, invasive species like privet, European buckthorn, smooth buckthorn, and autumn olive.  This low woody plant diversity is the equivalent of a food desert for birds.  By the time we are done improving the habitat, there will be more than a dozen tree species in the canopy, with hundreds of young stems of those species growing below the canopy. Plus, there will be another dozen species of shrubs in the understory.  This higher plant diversity will be the equivalent of having a well-stocked pantry for birds using the area.

For information about how we are changing the habitat in M8, access the QR code on the next sign.

Then, continue up the trail to the signs for plot M18.