Conservation Action Committee Goals

Goals for 2018-2021

Activities undertaken to accomplish goals

Goal 1: identify locations

Selected 4 discrete but nearly contiguous locations as focal areas

Stewart Park and Fuertes Bird Observatory (Swan Pen)

Renwick Woods

Jetty Woods (aka Lighthouse Woods)

Hog Hole portion of Allen Treman State Marine Park

Goal 2: visits and selection of species of conservation focus

Committee members visited the areas and used eBird and related data to select 3 species on which to focus conservation actions.

Wood Thrush – known to use areas as stop-over sites. Breeds locally, but perhaps not in these areas due to degraded nature of habitat. Species of concern in NYS and throughout range.

Purple Martin – Uses areas for foraging (over water and fields). Breeds nearby. Old martin house exists at Swan Pen, but is in bad shape. All aerial insectivores are declining.

Prothonotary Warbler – Few local records during migration. Breeds at north end of Cayuga Lake.

Goal 3: Conservation actions planned

Conduct regular monitoring (and/or use eBird to monitor use of area).

Improve habitat for Wood Thrush

Erected nest boxes for Prothonotary Warblers in both Lighthouse Point Woods / Jetty Woods (n = 6) and in Renwick Woods (n = 3) in April 2019.

Erect nest box for Purple Stewart Park along Fall Creek in April 2019.

Goal 4: Engage Community members

Staffed a Club table at Migration Celebration held at the Lab or Ornithology in September 2018.

Hosted a Family Fun Extravaganza at Stewart Park for families with young kids in September 2018.

Hosted a Community Nest Box Build at which families and youth made nest boxes to take home in March 2019.