Faith / Fé
I am a Lutheran Christian and member of the Lutheran Church-Canada. I was born and brought up at the Igreja Evangélica Luterana do Brasil, grandson of Pastor and Prof. Dr. Walter Gerhard Kunstmann.Eu sou cristão luterano e membro da Lutheran Church-Canada. Eu nasci e cresci dentro da Igreja Evangélica Luterana do Brasil, neto do Pastor e Prof. Dr. Walter Gerhard Kunstmann.
I am currently member of Riverbend Lutheran Church.
You can listen online to God's messages, short and to the point, preached by Pastor Sye: Online Sermons.
For daily devotions, weekly messages and Q&A, listen to the Lutheran Hour.
No Brasil, eu frequentei a Comunidade Evangélica Luterana Cristo de Porto Alegre.
Guardo ótimas lembranças do tempo da União Juvenil Cristo.
I think Mathew Block in his Op-Ed on the National Post summarized masterfully how I would describe my own faith:
"I am a Christian. I believe we live in a world broken by sin, unrepairable by human hands. I believe we are born in a state of alienation from the God who loves us. I believe He sent His Son to undo that separation and return us to fellowship with Him. He took upon Himself both our humanity and our sin, dying in our place at the cross. Most importantly, I believe that the Son of God — Jesus Christ — rose again from the dead, and that His resurrection promises new life, both in this world and in the next, to all who call upon Him in faith. These beliefs — in the existence of sin, in a Judge who distinguishes good from evil, in the mercy of a God who loved the world so much He was willing to die in its place — these beliefs make me who I am. They inform my decisions and actions in the world."