Like A Rolling Stone /Com una pedra del camí

Like a rolling stoneTOTS ACORDS.doc

DO Once upon a time you dressed REm so fine

You MImthrew the bums a dime in your prime FA,

SOLdidn't you ?

DO People'd call, say, "Beware doll, REmyou're

bound to fall" MIm

FAYou thought they were all SOLkiddin' you

FAYou used to laugh about SOL

FAEverybody that was SOL hangin' out

FANow you don't SOL talk so loud

FANow you don't SOL seem so proud

FAAbout having to be scrounging

for your next SOL meal.

How does it feel DO-FA-SOL

How does it feel DO-FA-SOL

To be without a home DO-FA-SOL

Like a complete unknown DO-FA-SOL

Like a rolling stone ? DO-FA-SOL

DO You've gone to the REmfinest school all right, Miss MImLonely

But you know you only used to FAget

SOLjuiced in it

DO And nobody has ever REmtaught you how to live MImon the street

And now you FAfind out you're gonna have to get SOLused to it

FAYou said you'd never compromiseSOL

FAWith the mystery tramp, but know you realizeSOL

FAHe's not selling any alibisSOL

FAAs you stare into the vacuum of his eyesSOL

FAAnd say do you want to make a deal? SOL

How does it feel

How does it feel

To be on your own

With no direction home

Like a complete unknown

Like a rolling stone ?

You never turned around to see the frowns on the jugglers and the clowns

When they all come down and did tricks for you

You never understood that it ain't no good

You shouldn't let other people get your kicks for you

You used to ride on the chrome horse with your diplomat

Who carried on his shoulder a Siamese cat

Ain't it hard when you discover that

He really wasn't where it's at

After he took from you everything he could steal.

How does it feel

How does it feel

To be on your own

With no direction home

Like a complete unknown

Like a rolling stone ?

Princess on the steeple and all the pretty people

They're drinkin', thinkin' that they got it made

Exchanging all precious gifts

But you'd better take your diamond ring, you'd better pawn it babe

You used to be so amused

At Napoleon in rags and the language that he used

Go to him now, he calls you, you can't refuse

When you got nothing, you got nothing to lose

You're invisible now, you got no secrets to conceal.

How does it feel

How does it feel

To be on your own

With no direction home

Like a complete unknown

Like a rolling stone ?



Like a rolling stone .Bob Dylan .Adap. Josep M. Carnarasa

Abans d'ahir encara eres molt rica

i llençaves la «calderilla» als pobres, no és veritat?

N'hi havia que et deien: «Vés amb compte, maca.

un dia pots caure» i tu te'n reies, no és veritat?

Miraves tothom per sobre l'espatIla,

i te'n foties dels que veies caiguts;

ara ja no parles tan fort, ara ja no rius com abans

ets tu qui has caigut ara i no ho saps resistir...

Dígues que sí,

digues que sí, q

ue t'agrada viure al carrer,

com un gos vagabund,

com una pedra del camí...

Vas anar als millors collegis de monges

però allà només vas aprendre a resar el rosari,

eres una senyoreta de casa teva.

no sabies quê és viure al carrer,

ara ja ho saps,

tu no volies saber res dels que no fossin

de la teva classe; ara hauras de parlar.

fins i tot per demanar algun favor,

amb els que tampoc no tenen sostre,

no oblidis que ara ja no pots triar te els veíns...

Dígues que sí,

digues que sí, q

ue t'agrada viure al carrer,

com un gos vagabund,

com una pedra del camí...

Tu mai no havies tingut una mirada

pels infeliços que s'arrossegaven als teus peus;

tu mai no havies pensat que un dia hauries de treballar.

Tu mai no havies patit fred.

Et passejaves a cavall amb un diplomàtic que deia: «T'estimo» mentre prenia el te.

Adonar te que marxava va ser ben trist,

ell es va endur la teva última engruna de felicitat.

Et penses que, quedant se, tampoc no t'hagués fet feliç?..

Dígues que sí,

digues que sí, q

ue t'agrada viure al carrer,

com un gos vagabund,

com una pedra del camí...

Princesa caiguda en el suburbi, avui és festa,

tothom está content a casa seva.

Tant que et diverties abans voltada pertot arreu d'aduladors, no és veritat?

Mira, en Jaumot t'està cridant, vés hi, si mês no, tindràs sostre aquesta nit;

si no tens res tampoc no pots perdre res, ara que ja no tens ni secrets,

mentre rodoles pels carrers, buscant lloc per dormir…

Dígues que sí,

digues que sí, q

ue t'agrada viure al carrer,

com un gos vagabund,

com una pedra del camí...