Over the years the TS community came together to assemble some great packs of freeware. These have become staples of many a route including the Cambridgeshire & ECML - so I am delighted to be allowed to host all of the relevant packs on my own site to make installation easier.

Thanks, of course, to all the great developers who generously allowed their content to be used.

Please note that these are simple .rwp files rather than the auto-updater executable of the originals. The reason for this is that rather than drawing the content from another website I can be certain that a route-compatible version is fully available here. Although it seems unlikely that any further packs for updates will be made available you should also check at the UKTS-FP site to be sure - BEFORE you download these.

With thanks to all of those who contributed to the various packs:

And to Jim 'Nobkins' for organising the whole thing!