
April 27, 2022 Meeting

Speaker - Janet Carson

Janet Carson, author, columnist, and retired statewide horticulture specialist presented "Gardening in the Natural State"

Many Benton County Mater Gardeners attended the meeting to hear Janet Carson.

Penny Pines Certificate

1 - Jan Grim received a Penny Pines Certificate in memory of her husband who passed away recently.

Arkansas Federation of Garden Club Awards

2 - 1st Place. Heritage Award Mary Doyle and Patti Brierly for the BV Memorial Garden Cemetery

3 - Runner up Bravo Award Cathy Downard

4 & 5 - 1st Place. Civic Achievement Award Tony LiCausi and Penny Frahm for the Veterans Wall

6 - 1st Place Garden Club Yearbook Cathy Wayson

7 - 1st Place Garden Therapy Louise Wilson and Diedre Cheney (not present)

The Club also received 2nd Place for Membership Increase


Mona Tate and Jamie Hooper announce the winners.

Artistic Design

by Elaine Rooney

Posted 4/28/22

Meeting on March 23, 2022 in person and via Zoom

Program: Peter Christie, Mayor of Bella Vista, hosted an interactive discussion with Club members about the City's designation as a Tree City USA. He discussed the requirements, the ongoing commitments, and what this means to the residents of Bella Vista. He also answered questions on a myriad of topics pertaining to Bella Vista.

Volunteers are needed to be Hostesses at the homes on the Garden Extravaganza which will be on June 11, 2022. Hostesses may attend the event free of charge.

Photos upper left in a circle, Mayor Peter Christie, the speaker; Carol Tabot, running the zoom; Artistic Design by Linda Neymeyer; Yummy treats for the attendees; and the Raffle Items overseen by Jamie Hopper.

Posted: 2/23/22

Meeting on February 23, 2022 via Zoom

Thirty-three members of the Bella Vista Garden Club met using Zoom.

Program: Master Gardener, Andrea Klokow gave a program on "The Lazy Gardener's Guide to Growing Figs". The talk included when to plant, prune and care for fig plants and what varieties grow best in NW AR and where to get them.

Volunteers are needed to be Hostesses at the homes on the Garden Walk which will be on June 11, 2022.


Tony LiCausi discussed new battery operated tools and tips on Pruning.

Meeting on January 26th, 2022 via Zoom

Thirty-six members of the Bella Vista Garden Club met using Zoom.

Program: The program officer from the Walton Family Foundation, Meredith Bergstrom spoke about their many projects and goals for education and training leading to greater opportunities and improved quality of life. Another project is to establish affordable housing in the region and assist those with mobility issues. Another goal is inclusive shared areas connecting the community with social spaces and cultural opportunities.

Funds from an anonymous donor are being used for a new greenhouse and a new sign to direct people to the Plant Sale area - both at the Village Waste Water Co.

The Card Party has been postponed until October due to Covid restrictions.

Gallon-sized plastic pots and large decorative pots are needed for the plant sales. Drop them off at Village Waste Water or call Joal Miller.

Horticulture: Tony LiCausi discussed Verbena flowers, including the new varieties, ‘Red Devil’, ‘Lollipop’, ‘Apple Blossom’ and ‘Valley Lavender.‘

October 27, 2021 Meeting of the BVGC

Thirty-three members and four guests met at the Bella Vista Community Church. The meeting was also viewed by three members using Zoom.

Tanya Collins, Marketing Director for Apple Seeds, Inc. in Fayetteville shared a presentation about the teaching farm which creates programs to educate young students in growing and preparing healthy food.

Ginny Vance created a dried traditional design for the brunch table.

Three members presented a short humorous skit on what God would think of current garden practices and leaf disposal.

The president honored member Cathy Wayson with a Penny Pines certificate and thanked for her years of work on behalf of the club.

The drawings for three raffle prizes were held and very happy winners all seems quite surprised by their luck.

Tony LiCausi gave a horticultural presentation on winterizing potted plants, lawns, and gardens and what's new in horticulture.

September 22nd Meeting of the BVGC

Ilene Vought

Ilene Vought thanked the BVGC for all the work in the Bella Vista Memorial Garden Cemetery which has won another Heritage Award largely due to the club caring for the flower beds. As a reward, she brought donuts to the meeting.

Bella Vista Garden Club Dorothy Wallace Scholarships

Michelle Wisdom, Isabella Norsworthy, Dr. Wayne Mackay, Stephen Turner, Virginia Halman, Pat Meyer, Judi Shannon, Dory Hammeke, Marilyn Russell

Stephen Turner and Virginia Halman

Program: Scholarship Committee Co-chair, Virginia Halman Introduced this year’s Scholarship Recipients

Isabella Norsworthy and Virginia Halman

Megan Lankford

Guest Speaker: Megan Lankford, Horticulture Supervisor at the Botanical Garden of the Ozarks and former BVGC scholarship recipient spoke on “A Day in the Life of a Horticulturist”

Dedication of Yearbook: President, Pat Meyer, dedicated the Yearbook to a very surprised Cathy Downard.

Raffle Items: Many happy club members enjoyed winning this raffle.

Zoom: The meeting was also shared on Zoom with members who didn't attend. Nine members took advantage of this new feature run by Ginny Vance.

Artistic Design of the Month: Tray Design with an autumn theme by Linda Neymeyer.

Horticulture: Tony LiCausi spoke on “What’s New in Horticulture – Fall Planting”