Who We've Played With

That should probably read "With Whom We Have Played," but we're not so big on formality here at Brass to the Future. We are, however, big on playing with other awesome bands.

Here are some highlights:

- The Toasters (October 26, 2010) ***

- Still Cruzin' (October 15, 2010)

- Harptallica (September (September 5, 2010) ***

- Too Much Sylvia (August 12, 2010)

- The Lovecrafts (July 10, 2010) ***

- GTA (formerly the Great Tequila Assassins) and The Jones Machine (March 23, 2010)

- Chief Complaint (March 6, 2010) ***

*** denotes bands or performers of particular note... or people we just really, really like a lot.