Down the Debt

We would like to extend a huge thank you to all of you who supported our Down the Debt campaign. Financial responsibility is important to the BCS Board of Directors and we are working diligently to get out of and stay out of debt. We have been blessed to be able to eliminate further borrowing and to consistently reduce the debt without losing the value of the education we offer for the last five years, but nothing has felt as good as the $100,000 payment we were able to make because of all of you. In addition to meeting our matching funds goal, 2021 has also seen an increase in student enrollment over the past several years allowing us to touch even more lives with the Gospel of Christ. We pledge to continue to be good stewards of the donations you make—focusing on giving our students what they need while raising funds and community support as much as possible. Many don't understand that as a private school, we receive absolutely no funding other than tuition paid by families, donations, and fundraisers. For this reason, we continue to rely on your support, to maintain daily operational costs in order to provide the Christian education and environment that is so important to all our families. With your continued help, we can confidently say that BCS is on the right track and is only moving forward.

“Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver,” 2 Corinthians 9:7.

Thank you donors

Student Supporter

($100 Level)

  • Anonymous

  • Brainard Bonner

  • Beverly Bouldin

  • Melba Bouldin

  • Truman Bush

  • Bob Centracchio

  • Caroline Cooper

  • Debby Eidson

  • Donald Griffith

  • Randy and Vicki Griffith

  • Judy Grissom

  • Lesa Hillis

  • Bobby Mayfield

  • Scott & Sheri McAfee

  • Paul and Nydia Meacham

  • Jennifer Moore

  • Regina Mullins

  • Col. James Stone

  • Barbara Tubbs

  • Greg and Dawn Wanamaker

  • Ray and Charlotte Weddington

  • Steve West

  • Jimmy Yates

Staff Sponsor ($500 Level)

  • Richard Burks

  • Clyde Bush

  • William Bush

  • Russ and Lori Chilcutt

  • Donald Prater

  • Steve Smith

  • Steve and Terry Stubblefield

  • Debbie Vinson

Friend of the Faculty

($1000 Level)

  • Anonymous

  • Anonymous

  • Lannie and Gay Burger

  • Carl Campbell

  • James and Donna Goolsby

  • Mary Ralph

  • Boyd and Angela Ramsey

  • Brian and Karen Reed

  • Jamie and Teresa Stinson

  • Connie Turner

  • Stacey's Wellness

  • Bonner Church of Christ

  • Centertown Church of Christ

  • Northcutts Cove Church of Christ

Principal's Partner

($2000 Level)

  • In Memory of Michael Hutton

  • Smyrna Church of Christ

  • Central Church of Christ

Chairman's Circle

($5000 Level)

  • Tim and Jessica Akers

  • Michael and Shannon Andrews

  • Anonymous