Back to School
Scholastic Book FAir
Scholastic Book FAir
September 23-27, 8:00-3:00
Extended hours Monday (3:00-5:00) and Thursday (3:00-5:30) for afterschool shopping!
Click here to add money to an account for your child to use at the book fair, or shop online to support our school! Online shopping will be available through October 3rd.
Fair booth
Fair booth
Come by and grab a Bronco Burger or some fried oreos at the BCS Fair Booth. Check out our menu here. It takes a ton of volunteers to make our fair booth successful! Please call the office if you can help any day this week!
Come by and grab a Bronco Burger or some fried oreos at the BCS Fair Booth. Check out our menu here. It takes a ton of volunteers to make our fair booth successful! Please call the office if you can help any day this week!
Upcoming dates
Upcoming dates
Middle School Back to School Game Night/Parent Meeting
Middle School Back to School Game Night/Parent Meeting
More information here.
July 30th, 6:00-8:00 P.M.
Open House and High School Registration
Open House and High School Registration
August 4th, 2:00-4:00
High School Registration
High School Registration
Aug 5th, 8:00-10:00 A.M.
First Day of School
First Day of School
August 7th, 8:00-3:00
Shirt Sale
Shirt Sale
Click here to order THE BCS shirt that is approved for dress code Mondays-Thursdays. Remember: any shirt not ordered through this site must be a polo or a collared, button-up shirt worn buttoned for 3rd grade through high school. For other information on dress code check here. The last day to order shirts for the first order is July 22nd.