BCS Fair Booth

BCS Fair Booth

September 9th-16th

Each year BCS volunteers run a food booth at the Warren County Fair. This is a great way to get to know other parents/teacher at Boyd and to spread our joy in the community! All proceeds go to keeping our doors open and keeping tuition as low as possible. We need everyone who can to volunteer for one shift over the course of the week for the booth to run smoothly. This can be in many different areas. A sign up book with all the days, shifts, and times is kept in the office but below is a run down of the typical duties. If you, or any of your friends or family can help, please call the office to sign up for a shift (or two). Each day requires 41 volunteers to fill all shifts!! Working the fair counts for service hours at BCS or for Motlow students needing hours for their promise scholarships.

We greatly appreciate all the help we can get during this super busy—super fun week!!

Prep Room/Kitchen (9:00-2:00, 2:00-6:00, 5:00-Close)

This is the separate building where you slice vegetables, prepare desserts, wash dishes, and keep things ready to stock the food prep station. May fry bacon and brown beef. All volunteers in this section must be 18+.

Grill (10:00-4:00, 4:00-Close)

Grills hamburgers and hot dogs as orders come in. Located in food prep area. Must be 18+

Deep Fry Cook (10:00-2:00, 2:00-6:00, 6:00-Close)

Mans fryers with French fries, onion rings, and chicken strips. Located in food prep area. Must be 18+

Food Prep (10:00-2:00, 2:00-6:00, 6:00-Close)

Filling orders by assembling burgers, making taco salads, etc. Located in food prep area. Must be 18+

Servers (10:00-2:00, 2:00-6:00, 6:00-Close)

Taking orders, speaking with customers. Students 7th grade and above are allowed to serve.

Clean Up (6:00-Close)

Empty trash cans, pick up trash around booth, assist in closing down.