Gran March

Capital: Hookhill

Major cities: Shiboleth

Ruler: His Most Resolute Magnitude, Petros, Commandant of Gran March

Racial make-up: Major strains: Suloise, Oeridian; minor strains: Flanaess

Major resources: Foodstuffs, cloth, copper, and high-quality gems

Gran March is located in the western-central portion of the Flanaess, and is considered part of the Sheldomar Valley region. It is bordered by Bissel to the north, the Lortmil Mountains to the north and northeast, the Lort River to the east, Sheldomar River and the Rushmoors to the south, and the Realstream River to the west.

Keoland established the territory of the Gran March during its early stages, basing it upon a military-religious order of knights. These zealous fighters quickly subdued the warring inhabitants, established order within the area, and conscripted all fit males into worker and infantry battalions (regimental-like formations). The land between the Lortmills and Dim Forest north of the Sheldomar became productive and peaceful, but the rule of these first Commandants was repressive and harsh. When Berlikyn, then ruler of the fief, was slain in combat in the war with Veluna-Furyondy in the Small War, the populace rose in rejoicing. Keoland reconsidered its policies thereafter, and allowed the nobles to elect their own Commandant from amongst the noble houses of Gran March. The state is now only a nominal vassal of Keoland and maintains friendly relations with Bissel.

Gran March is an exceptionally martial nation. At age fifteen, all fit males enter mandatory conscription for a period of up to seven years. Girls may join the rank and file as well—though this is something of a modern development. The fact that many of these young men and women continue to pursue military careers after their initial enlistment periods is a testament to national pride and the respect the army receives in Gran March.

Gran March's coat of arms is blazoned thus: Argent; on a chief party per pale gules and azure, in dexter a lion rampant sable, in sinister a sword per bend sinister of the second.