Known Issues and FAQ

I'm not just a mod author, I use mods all the time myself. Happyuser created a very helpful modding resource: "Forever Thankful - Skyrim Modding Resource". It talks about best practices for people using mods and forums to seek help. Please read it. I am very thankful for all the mods I use, and I am thankful you have chosen to use mine.

Game Crashes at StartupProblems with Script Lag and/or CTDs

I lose vampirism when reverting from a Vampire Lord

Can my custom race be used with your mod?

I'm using the RaceCompatibility mod by TMPhoenix

I'm using "Requiem - The Roleplaying Overhaul" mod

I'm using "Perkus Maximus (PerMa)" mod

I'm using "Alternate Start - Live Another Life" mod

I'm using "ASIS"/"Dual Sheath Redux"

I'm using the "Royal Bloodline" mod and your BV patch

I'm using the "Sacrosanct" mod and your BV patch

Your Mod Configuration Menu (MCM) doesn't show up

Hotkey Questions/Clarification

Questions About Blood Points

Questions About Enthralling

Questions About Hemalurgic Spike

Combat Biting Sometimes Misfires

I can't feed

My status stays at "Please Feed to Update"

Status says "Not Using Better Vampires Scripts"

I feed but nothing happens

People do not recognize me as a "vampire"

I'm having feeding animation issues or it looks "weird"

If you get the feed option and you are not a vampire ...

I don't get the spells/abilities/rank when I feed

I had to start over. Is there some way to add to necks bitten?

If an NPC is stuck being immune to Seduction or Fear's Embrace (even after 24hr)

If an NPC dies after only one feeding or you cannot extract blood

Any question about appearance ...

My night vision is stuck/not working

Vampire Vision (with heartbeats) messes up dialogue

If your jump height does not change or is stuck

I'm stuck being invisible

My movement speed is screwy

My weapon speed is screwy

My eyes are screwed up after using invisibility or Aura Whisper

Sidestep reflexes takes a lonnnnnng time to turn off

I'm having trouble/issues transforming into a Vampire Lord

The person I turned into a vampire has face and body textures that do not match

The person I turned into a vampire cannot be my follower

UFO is not working with the person I made into a vampire follower

Can you make it so I can turn NPCs into Vampire Lords?

Why can't I see the NPCs I turned feed?

Why do those I turn get angry if they see me feed?

If you cannot "cure" a NPC that you turned into a Vampire

Vampire Hunters and those I turn seem to be immortal

Why isn't Vampiric Drain acting as expected?

Vampire's Seduction is not working (i.e. Moth Priest, Dawnguard quest to turn a victim, etc.)

Some spells/abilities (like Unholy Grasp) don't work properly

Those I use Domination on are trying to push me around

Why don't vampire hunters attack me?

I am hated/not hated when I am supposed/not supposed to be

If nothing I suggested seems to work ...