Care Units

In 1989, Care Units were formed as a means to serve the needs of Bergen Congregation. A booklet was made that included a list of members that served for the month. It also included instructions on planning for a funeral and a few other various events.

Care Units at Bergen Church

C = Congregational

A = Action

R = Reaching

E = Everyone

Care Units . . . What Are They?

As a member of Bergen Lutheran Church your name automatically goes on a Care Unit list. Our Care Units are one way we serve God together by caring about others in the family of Bergen. To Care is to "show concern and serious attention", to "think about" and to "pay attention to details". We are asked to show love, support and concern for everyone on its list. We encourage each group to find ways to relate to everyone in your unit.

Care Unit Leaders

Care Unit Leaders are assigned at the beginning of each year. The Care Unit book is divided into groups with two sets of Care Unit leaders for each group. Each set of Care Unit leaders serve for two months and will coordinate events for those months.

Care Unit Lists

The Care Unit list consists of adult members who are able to help work or provide food at functions. It also consists of members who have moved out of the area, are homebound, students or are at Bethany Manor. We care for them by providing support through "caring about them".

Care Unit lists are reviewed and reworked as needed on a yearly basis - different Care Unit leaders are found each year. Each member is given a list of the month they are on.

Some of the ways Care Units serve:


When there is a funeral, the church office will contact the Care Unit leaders to notify them of funeral arrangements and request a lunch be served following the funeral. They are usually able to convey an approximate count of how many people are expected. The Care Unit leaders will call members on their list for workers and food - usually sliced meat sandwiches, bars and beverages are served unless family specifies something else. If a hot meal is requested, it is recommended that the family picks up expense and Care Units serve the meal for them. The Care Unit leaders usually order bread and meat and ask others to bring bars (and salads if requested). The family provides a donation to the funeral director to offset costs when possible.

Functions that Care Units are called on to help with:

- January - Annual Meeting - serve lunch

- February - Help WELCA with annual Turkey Dinner - Care Units provide workers and food. Also provide meal for

Dorcas Days, coordinated by WELCA.

- March or April - Easter Breakfast following sunrise service

- July - Serve an afternoon coffee at Bethany Manor

- November - Help WELCA with annual Fall Festival - provide workers and food.