


written: 18 Sep 2001

Displays Exchange Rates & Calculates Foreign Currency Values in USD:

Ada version of "Currency Conversion.cpp." Displays the exchange rates for five currencies as of 2 Sep 2001 and allows user to select one of those currencies and enter an amount for exchange. Also allows user to enter exchange rate for non-displayed currency.

(Extensive use of functions in this program)


written: 3 Sep 2001

Determining Student Grades:

Determines a student's grade after adding up all his points and removing the lowest test score and the two lowest exercise scores. This is the Ada version of "Program1.cpp."


written: 16 Sep 2001

Displays Julian Date:

This is the Ada version of "Assign2.cpp." User enters any day from any year A.D. and the program will display the Julian date and let you know if that year was a leap year.

Example: 02/14/2001 is day 45.

(Extensive use of functions in this program)


written: 4 Aug 2001

Income Tax:

Figures tax owed/refund based on gross income, dendents, and tax withheld.


written: 5 Aug 2001

Phone Call Cost:

Determines cost of a phone call based on time it started and ended. Gives discounts off-peak times calls longer than 60 minutes. Also adds sales tax.


written: 4 Aug 2001

Lifetime Heartbeats:

Given your heartrate in BPM, this program figures number of beats if you lived for 78 years.


written: 4 Aug 2001

Language Conversion:

Converts days of the week from English to Spanish or Spanish to English.


written: 4 Aug 2001

Class Size:

Figures class availability based on capacity and enrollment.


written: 3 Aug 2001

Initials Display:

Displays my initials in large print.


written: 3 Aug 2001

Velocity Computation:

Takes time in minutes and seconds to travel one miles and determines speed in FPS and MPS.


written: 4 Aug 2001

Acceleration Computation:

Given initial and final velocity, and time, this program calculates acceleration rate and G-force.


written: 3 Aug 2001

Basic Math:

Takes three variables and computes their product and sum.


written: 27 Jul 2001

Temperature Conversion:

This program converts degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Celsius. This is my fist Ada program.


written: 3 Aug 2001

Weight Conversion:

This program converts lbs to kilograms and grams.