Art & Humor

Art & Humor

Here is a bunch of stuff I wrote or drew to amuse myself and anyone else who might be interested.

E6B Song

Put 5 gallons in the Aux

Helicopter Haiku



Lyrics by: Athena Roberts

Music by: The Beatles “Let It Be”

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When I find my flight plan is in trouble,

A CFI comes to me

Speaking words of wisdom, E6B.

And in my examination

I can hear him speaking so clearly

Speaking words of wisdom, E6B.

E6B, E6B.

Whisper words of wisdom, E6B.

And when all the very lost pilots

Flying through the air agree,

They will get an answer, E6B.

For though it might seem ancient it beats

Using trigonometry

There will be an answer, E6B.

E6B, E6B. Yeah

There will be an answer, E6B.

And when my PC is broken,

There is still a way that works for me,

Work on until tomorrow, E6B.

I figure out my fuel consumption

A CFI says to me

Speaking words of wisdom, E6B.

E6B, E6B.

There will be an answer, E6B.

E6B, E6B,

Whisper words of wisdom, E6B.


Put 5 gallons in the Aux

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Instead of rude warning lights and horns, crude gauges, and harping flight instructors. . .

Helicopter Haiku

by: Athena Roberts

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A willing engine

It considered your request

The air was too thin


Like a happy child

The rotor spins through the air

Heedless of your cries


What ascends descends

Your tanks now crave spring’s fullness

Low Fuel thwarts your flight


Hot Phoenix summer

High Density Altitude

Try running takeoff?


Heedless of the Height –

Velocity Diagram.

Be a test pilot?


Over TBO

Tired engine, weak airframe

Too bad you fly it.


Your RPM fades

Less collective, more throttle

You ask for too much


manifold pressure

limit breached – Reached for the stars?

Try the Space Shuttle


Low G, Left cyclic

Your new rotor separates

so beautifully


Low RPM stall

Next time, lower collective –

Relax, sing a song


300 pounds on

each pedal – relax, breathe deep.

I’m not a leg press


Low Oil Pressure

Lubrication is useful

But now it is gone


Another bent spar

Botched hovering auto, the

Mechanic hates you


Yesterday it flew

Today the main gear box leaks

Schweizers are like that


Child slides down hill.

But, I am not a child.

Try More Left Cyclic


A jet we are not.

Learn patience, enjoy the view

Retreating blade stall


Now beaten into

submission – the air shares its

misfortune with you.


Fetch the wool blanket

A fire on start up – You

inspire us all


Your fears realized

The engine rotates no more

Lower collective


Main Rotor temp and

chip light on. No other signs.

You feel lucky?


We warm up and stretch

Summer heat makes us supple

Ignore the clutch light?


The noise you ignore

is the tail rotor’s cry.

That which begins, ends.


Another safety

notice posted. Endless ways

to die still exist.


We want to carry

everyone, but we can’t

You tried dieting?


Didn’t bother to

pre-flight? We admire your

courage from the ground


Your RPM fades

as the cherry tree blossoms

Lower Collective


The FAR you search for

exists only in your mind.

We planned it that way


Your destination

will still be there - Lift gone now.

Retreating blade stall.


Flying through the storm.

The courage of Samurai

you have. See them soon?


Clear skies not as planned.

Take a chance? Yes. Too bad you

can’t fly IFR.


Flying through light ice.

Light on intelligence too?

Get Darwin Award?


The Schweizer was fixed.

Stayed fixed for thirteen hours.

You enjoy walking?


The waypoint you search

for is not here. But others

exist to choose from


Having lost all its

oil, the aircraft engine

must now be rebuilt


We smile because

you have no chance – FAA

Abandon all hope


A crash reduces

your helicopter to a

modern art display


Stay the patient course

Of no worth is your ire

The Schweizer is down


Pilot always wrong.

How can that be? We possess

better lobbyists


Your fears realized

The engine rotates no more

Lower collective


Your fears realized

The engine rotates no more

Pick a landing spot.


Way too unstable?

Try not over controlling

Order shall return


Surprise throttle chop

Your stunned look amuses me

Have a landing spot?


R-22. No,

we don’t hold much – But atleast

we’re not a Schweizer


The FAR you seek to

know has changed again – We give

you no sympathy


The airport you are

flying to is one hundred

klicks the other way.


Power surge makes your

GPS a simple stone

You have a flight plan?


Extend Ki, transcend

your crude communication.

Radio is down.


Three things are certain

Death, Taxes, and Expensive

Repairs. Which one now?


Transponder offline.

Our location? Endless



The fuel gauge is stuck.

How much do you really have?

You could try guessing.


Many have survived

foolishness. However, you

won’t be one of them.


Remove before flight.

Some people weren’t meant to fly.

Should he fly with you?


The plum trees blossom.

You pass below ETL.

Add collective now.


You’ve shared your secrets

with us all. Next time pull the

comm switch just half-way


To accommodate

you all is our wish. Give way

to other traffic


A stuck skid dashes

hopes for uneventful flight

Dynamic rollover


Flying low and fast.

Agile as a hummingbird.

Except for . . . this time.