Step 5: Communicating Science

Communicate your results to the rest of the researchers with a 5 min oral presentation. To support your presentation, make a Digital Presentation File (Powerpoint, Impress, or similar).


1) Prepare your presentation. Follow these advices to prepare your presentation, and the structure proposed in the Scaffold for Scientific Oral Communication:

    • Consider 1 minute for slide.
    • When ready, save your presentation as a pdf.
    • Save several copies of your presentation, one online (Slideshare, Box, etc.).
    • Do your presentation to your family or other people who don’t know the topic. Ask them what have they understood.
    • Use images and graphs, avoid text , and avoid reading text from the presentation. Try to make image and voice complementary informations.
    • Avoid including dynamic animations. You are the dinamic part of your presentation.
    • Be sure letters and colours are ok.

2) Perform your presentation.

At the end of this step, include in your Excavation Diary comments on the difficulties you have improved when preparing the presentation: de technnical or conceptual difficulties, how you have solved it, and a general comment on what you consider you have learned in this activity.