Step 1: Creating Frames

In this first step, you will create the frames to analyze the data from different steps of human evolution you have heard about in the Home Page. In these frames, you will collect and organize informations about several aspects comparing the different species. You will share the work, and each team will work on one aspect.


1. Divide in 5 expert teams, each team will be in charge of one of the following kind of evidences:

    • Skulls and teeth.
    • Tools.
    • Habitation Traces (food traces accumulation, huts, fire traces, paintings...).
    • Maps and Chronologies (where and when each hominid would have been present).
    • Footsteps.

2. Each team will use the Creating Frames scaffold to describe accurately, for each of the following hominid species which would be the correspondent evidences.

  • Australopithecus afarensis
  • Homo habilis
  • Homo ergaster
  • Homo erectus
  • Homo neanderthalensis
  • Homo sapiens sapiens

3. Be sure you include in your Frame: 1) the references for the information you are giving (books, webs) 2) the funcional implications of these evidences (“This kind of tool means that this species was able to...”)

4. When your work is finished, share with your mates the results of your work (bring paper copies or share it on line) and present it briefly.

Image extracted from WikiMedia Commons,

in the public domain by Vladlen666.


At the end of this step, include in your Excavation Diary an entry describing the Frame you have participated in and which aspects you consider relevant to understand the causes of the characteristics of our species nowadays.