
At the end or during this activity, you will present several products that will be used to assess your work:

Team work

Paleontology Workshop

    • Data analysis file filled with your analysis and conclusions of the XX century room.

Step 1: Creating Frames

Step 2: Creating an archaeological site

Step 3: Digging, Collecting and Cataloguing Samples

    • Site Grid reporting the data of the Excavation Site you analyzed.
    • Evidence Forms describing the Evidences you found.

Step 4: Data analysisi and scenario interpretation

Step 5: Communicating Science

Individual work

General assessment criteria

    • Your hability to extract conclusions from data using appropiate expressions.
    • Your hability to collect, organize and represent data.
    • Your appropiate use of specific lexic.
    • Your understanding of the main evolutionari steps of Hominids.
    • Your understanding of Paleontology as a "under construction" kind of knowledge.