Step 2: Creating an Archaeological Site

Create new teams of 3-4 people, different from those from the previous step. In preference, construct teams with all members belonguing to different expert teams. In this step you will use your knowledge to make a prediction abotu how would be an archaeological site of one of the hominid species studied in the previous step. You will work in teams to create an archaecological site and another team will analyze it to deduce to which species does it corresponds.


    1. Form teams of three people (different from those from the previous step) and decide which species you want to work with (Australopitecus afarensis, Homo erectus, Homo ergaster, Homo habilis, Homo neanderthalensis, Homo sapiens sapiens). Keep it secret. Look into internet for images reconstructing its appearence and collect informations about it.
    2. Use the frames created in the previous step to decide which evidences will you include in your archaeological site. You must include at least 7 evidences: 6 corresponding to the species you hace choosen and 1 corresponing in a clear manner to another species.
    3. Dram and design your archaeological site with the help of the Site Grid and the Evidence Forms. Stablish the position of each evidence in your archaecological site. Give a name to your site composed by Armshtad (choose a number) (shoose a greek letter).
    4. Show your proposal to your teacher and when accepted, make the 7 evidences in real size with gypsum, or clay or another material. Select a piece of ground of 12 m2 and bury the evidences in the positions you proposed in the Site Grid.

During this process: Keep secret which is the species you are working on!



    • Gypsum or clay.
    • Hoe.

At the end of this step, include in your Excavation Diary observations and comments about the species you have chosen to work with: similarities and differences with us, or other particular things you consider interesting.