Paleontology Workshop

Paleontology is a Science that extract conclusions from data. Even if in the video you have seen in the previous step it seems that everything has been discovered an completely determined, the real fact is that some aspects of our evolutive past are clear, and some other are object of discussion. It happens because in Scientific Knowledge the common-sense "reading" of the facts can be improved and because new facts can offer new perspectives for the understanding of previous ones. In this activity you will learn about which kind of knowledge Paleontology.


In this training activity you will analyze an Archaeological Site quite particular: a room of the XX century. Your goal is to discover everything you can from the people living there.

    1. Create teams of three people (only for this step) and download the materials of this step.
    2. Observe the Archaeologic Site image and try to answer the key questions proposed in the Data analysis sheet. Report your findings and discuss with the members of your team to stablish the strength of your conclusions (30 min).
    3. Communicate to the rest of the groups your findings. Procees question by question and try to stablish wich conclusions are based on strong evidences and wich are not shared by everyone or which are based on weak evidences.

At the end of this step, include in your Excavation Diary a reflection about the Paleontology Scientific knowledge. Is always certain? Is it based on facts? Is it an invention? Is it permanent?