How to localize Jota+

Thank you for your contribution.

I welcome translator.

1. String resources are managed on subversion

The latest version is uploaded on this address.

It's more convinient to use subversion client.

2. Description text on Google Play.

description.txt is a English version of description text.

Translate this and save it as 'description-xx.txt' (xx is your locale) with UTF-8.

3. Application's text resources

strings_resource.xls is a source file of the strings.

This is Microsoft Excel format.

Open this file and look for your locale.

If there was not your locale, create new column at end of columns.

Then write "values-xx" in the first row. (xx is your locale)

Translate each row of "values" column to new column.

- You shouldn't change Dark cells.

- Pink cells needs to translate.

- If you can't understand the word of the cell, leave it and ask me.

- Following words are proper nouns. Don't translate.


"Jota Text Editror"


"Direct Intent"

- Toolbar texts are only in English. They're not target of localization.

If you can't use MS-Excel, you can use Libre Office instead.

4. Mail them to me. (

I'll merge it and commit to repository.

4. Rewards

- I'll put your name on About page of Jota+.

Please let me know your name or nickname.

- I'll send one activation code of Jota+. ( If you already purchased or donated, I'll refund it. )

5. Caution

Before you start the job, please let me know that.

Other guy may already started the job.