How To Localize
Thank you for your contribution.
I need to translate these texts.
1. Android Market's Description page.
Download this:
Translate English section to your language.
(Please save your file as UTF-8.)
2. Application's text resources.
Download this:
This is Microsoft Excel format.
Open this file and look for your locale.
If there was not your locale, create new column at end of columns.
Then write "values-xx" in the first row. (xx is your locale)
Translate each row of "values" column to new column.
- You shouldn't change Dark cells.
- Pink cells are need to translate.
- If you can't understand the word of the cell, leave it and ask me.
- Below words are proper nouns. Don't translate.
"Jota Text Editror"
"Direct Intent"
"Dynabook AZ"
If you can't use MS-Excel, you can use Libre Office instead.
3. I will put your name on About Page.
Please let me know your name or nickname.
Then send above three to me.
I'll merged it , build trial version and send it to you.
Then I'll commit your file to Google Codes.
Whenever Jota is updated, these files will be updated same time.
Somtimes check Google-code.
Take your time. (^_^)//