
Michigan - Shiga High School

Student Exchange

H.S. teen exchange | good homestay guide for Japan | "memory book" template

Links to help young people thinking of going to Japan, currently in Japan, or back from Japan.

Michigan - Shiga connections

Sister cities | JCMU (Japan Center for Michigan Universities) | Teen exchange | Mi-shigan leads

Biwako song (medody; with vocals) | video - 2004 tv_news |

Midwest Japan Seminar, host in Michigan in rotation

Japan Festival in Saginaw (September),

Michigan-Japan Professionals Association,

Hosting your Japanese friends

Homestay-hosting_advice.doc | cultural experiences to "unpack" together

Language learning (Japanese as a Foreign Language) AND life in Japan

Immersion language camp in northern MN, >Mori no Ike

Self-study of Japanese (links and advice)

Pictures of 1897 Japan | road signs to know; more signs |

Online broadcasts: Yomiuri News Stream | MBS Radio News Archives | Radio Nippon | Real Net News

Orientation, "At Home in Japan" | Checklists for language & culture learning (pre/in-country/returnee)

Shops, donna-mise.mp3 | Notices/signs, hyoji.mp3 | Time (one day's routine) jikan-ichinichi.mp3

Countries sampled, kuniguni.mp3 | Cost of goods, okane-kaimono.mp3 | Fish & seafood, sakana.mp3

Fruit, sukina-kudamono.mp3 |Vegetables, sukina-yasai.mp3 [as recorded by non-native speaker]

Other programs taking teens to Japan

Youth For Understanding-Japan (YFU) - many scholarships for summer; full school year | AFS

LABO (twinned with 4-H in the USA)

Immersion language camp in northern MN, >Mori no Ike

College programs in Japan

Temple University is a US university with their own campus in Tokyo,

Sophia University in Tokyo through CIEE

Nanzan University in Nagoya through IES

Nanzan University, [direct enrollment]

Obirin University


Seinan Gakuin University is also good,

See also, Association of Teachers of Japanese Bridging Project for Study Abroad in Japan

Search engine for study abroad (by country),

Career paths connected to Japan experiences (what Japan alumni are doing now)

[send your story steps to G P Witteveen, sjmiAThomail DOTcom]

G. Witteveen's story: first to Japan as assistant English teacher after college, then again with grad school (Anthropology of Japan); researcher at the National Museum of Ethnology (nr. Osaka); education outreach coordinator at MSU and later U-M. Life-long interest in the changing Japanese society & language.

updated 2008-11-12... created 2008-03-07