starting point for materials, sources, colleagues teaching anthropology to young people not yet in college
Seeing the World with New Eyes: Bringing Anthropology to the High School [2001]
Bring Anthropology to Elementary Schools [2004]
Putting Anthropology into Social Studies [2005 poster presentation, annual meeting, Am.Anthro.Assoc]
Issues in teaching anthro, grades K-12 (email thread on , k-12anth@lists.aaanet [dot] org)
[fall 2005; subscribe to K-12anth]
Standards published [thanks to AJ Petto, editor@ncseweb.or]: Florida - Maryland - Indiana - Arizona -
cf. Ontario, Canada: course called Introduction to Anthropology, Psychology and Sociology.
(see the curriculum guidelines on the Ministry of Education website)
Teachers at 2007 annual meeting of the Am. Anthro. Association: links suggested, k12 bibliography
cf. issues at precollege anthro workshop in U.K. (Oct. 2007) where 'A-Level' course launches soon.
created 11 January 2007 . . . last updated 10 June 2008