John Muir In Yosemite And John Muir's Yosemite Book Available For FREE Here

John Muir built a cabin in Yosemite Valley and lived in it for two years. He wrote the book "The Yosemite" which describes many things about Yosemite and his adventures in Yosemite.

The text for John Muir's "The Yosemite" is now in the public domain so I am including this wonderful book in my website: READ JOHN MUIR'S "THE YOSEMITE" HERE FOR FREE.

While John Muir's "The Yosemite" is a fun informative and fascinating book to read, please note that the position of trails mentioned may have moved, changed name, or no longer exist. Roads have since been added to the park. Also John Muir was in extremely good condition and some of the hikes he describes are extremely difficult. **

**An easy hike for John Muir could be a very difficult hike for a normal person. John Muir's primary mode of transportation was walking. He hiked all over Yosemite and the Sierra Nevada Mountains. John Muir arrived in California by first walking from Indiana to Florida. He then took a boat to San Francisco. From San Francisco he walked to Yosemite.