
From 2010 to 2023, I taught multiple sections of over twenty different courses for three institutions, encompassing various topics and responsibilities. I adapted my style for classes with under ten students as well as those with 250. These classes ranged from face-to-face undergraduate courses for non-majors to online graduate courses for math educators. I also facilitated many professional development workshops and continue to do so.

In teaching and facilitating workshops, I emphasize a growth mindset and productive struggle for a diverse group of students using research-based strategies. I understand that students' identities deeply affect their experience with mathematics, so I aim to create space for student voices in the classroom. I utilize a mix of active learning techniques (such as inquiry-based learning and metacognitive tasks) as well as nontraditional assessments. Coming from a small liberal arts school for my undergraduate degree in math and in English literature, I believe in the value of a well-rounded education for creative problem-solving.

A photo of students working in a classroom
A photo of Dr. Anne M. Ho and her students
A photo of three students working in a group

Qualitative Course Evaluation Comments

Quantitative Course Evaluation Results

At this point, I have taught well over a thousand students and have consistently high quantitative scores on course evaluations. Data available upon request.