
Recent Grants

2021-2023, Principal Investigator, Transitioning Secondary to Tertiary Educators' Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching ($286,181), National Science Foundation Grant No. 2125969. The project website can be found here.

Select Publications and Articles

A.M. Ho, N. Borchelt, & S. Despeaux (2024). "Math Camp for Teachers." MathCircular, Spring 2024, 4-10. 

C. Beckford, N. Burns, E. Campbell, J. Kingsley, & A.M. Ho (2023). "Nontraditional Pathways to Teaching Postsecondary Math: A Qualitative Study on Educators Between the Boundaries of High School and College." Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on RUME. Omaha, NE. 

A.M. Ho, J.J. McCauley, & T.T. Craig (2022). "Revisiting Prejudiced Polygons: Adapting a Familiar Activity During a Time of Unknowns." Journal of Math Circles, 2:2, 17-35. 

S. Hill-Lindsay, A.M. Ho, M.E. Pilgrim, E.R. Miller (2022). "How Students Learn Math Best: Tutors’ Beliefs about Themselves Versus Their Tutees." Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on RUME. Boston, MA. 

S.A. Fleming, J. Lind, & A.M. Ho (2021). "Status Updates: Increasing Communication through Calculus Pre-Reading Assignments." PRIMUS, 32:8, 843-857. 

A.M. Ho & M.E. Pilgrim (2020). “Communication and community: GTA perceptions on a professional development program.” Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on RUME, 1108-1113. Boston, MA. 

A.M. Ho (2018). “Unlocking Ideas: Using escape room puzzles in a cryptography classroom.” PRIMUS, 28:9, 835-847.

A.M. Ho & T.T. Craig (2017). “Polygons and Prejudice: Using a mathematical framework to guide a conversation about social issues.” MTCircular, Summer/Autumn 2017, 8-9.


A photo of Mary E. Pilgrim
Mary E. Pilgrim
A photo of Joan Lind
Joan Lind
A photo of Chris Kilgore
Chris Kilgore
A photo of Charlotte Beckford
Charlotte Beckford
A photo of Jessica L. Kingsley
Jessica L. Kingsley
A photo of Nathan Burns
Nathan Burns
A photo of Emily K. Campbell
Emily K. Campbell
A photo of Spencer Bagley
Spencer Bagley
A photo of Deepa Deshpande
Deepa Deshpande
A photo of Amber Giffin
Amber Giffin
A photo of Ina C. Seethaler
Ina C. Seethaler
Matthew E. Wilkinson
A photo of Jaime J. McCauley
Jaime J. McCauley
A photo of Tara T. Craig
Tara T. Craig
A photo of Sloan Hill-Lindsay
Sloan Hill-Lindsay
A photo of Erica R. Miller
Erica R. Miller
A photo of Sam Cook
Sam Cook
A photo of Sarah Ann Fleming
Sarah Ann Fleming
A photo of Frances K. Harper
Frances K. Harper
A photo of Rachel Pries (Anne Ho's PhD Advisor)
Rachel Pries (PhD Advisor)

Select Presentations

January 2024 - Invited speaker for the math education seminar at Florida International University

December 2023 - Invited speaker for the STEM Education Seminar Series at the University of Tennessee

June 2023 - Invited plenary speaker for North Carolina Network of Math Teachers’ Circles Summer Math Camp

February 2023 - "Nontraditional Pathways to Teaching Postsecondary Math: A Qualitative Study on Educators Between the Boundaries of High School and College." (with Charlotte Beckford, Nathan Burns, Emily K. Campbell, and Jessica L. Kingsley) - RUME

August 2022 - "High School vs. College Teaching: Perspectives from Math Educators with Experience in Both" (with Nathan Burns, Charlotte Beckford, Emily K. Campbell, and Jessica L. Kingsley) - MAA MathFest

April 2022 - Invited (virtual) talk on "Prejudiced Polygons ver 2.2" for Math Teachers' Circle at Hawaii

February 2022 - "How Students Learn Math Best: Tutors’ Beliefs about Themselves Versus Their Tutees" (with Sloan Hill-Lindsay, Mary E. Pilgrim, and Erica R. Miller) - RUME

October 2021 - Invited (virtual) panelist for the Diversity in Graduate Mathematics Education (paraDIGMS) conference

July 2021 - Invited plenary speaker for North Carolina Network of Math Teachers’ Circles Summer Math Camp

April 2021 - Invited (virtual) colloquium speaker on "Status Updates: Increasing Communication in Calculus Pre-Reading Assignments" for California State University, Chico - Department of Mathematics and Statistics

April 2021 - Invited (virtual) speaker on "Choose Your Own Math Education Adventure" for University of Chicago - Department of Mathematics

October 2020 - Invited (virtual) panelist for "Math Circles in Times of Physical Distancing" hosted by the Journal of Math Circles and the Julia Robinson Mathematics Festival

Student Research

At the University of Tennessee, I advised Emily K. Campbell on her master's project, "Exploring the Autonomy of Instructors of High School and College Math" (2022). I was also on Dr. Shande King's dissertation committee in 2020. Dr. King worked with Professor Lynn Hodge (Theory and Practice in Teacher Education) on "The Effects of Small-Group Discourse in Collective Argumentation on Secondary Students' Mathematical Arguments and Mathematical Identities."

At Coastal Carolina University, I mentored four undergraduate students on their senior capstone projects. In 2017, I worked with Haley Bass ("Visual Cryptography with Applications to Banking") and Kahli Spencer ("Encrypting a Message to Ciphertext Using Single Stranded DNA"). In 2016, I worked with Kyle Eckhardt ("Visual Cryptography") and Sasha MacRobbie ("The Zombie Infection").