For the Community

Annual Three-Minute Talks Event

In September 2016, I initiated a co-hosted event with the CCU Social Justice Research Initiative, Women's and Gender Studies, and Intercultural and Inclusion Student Services. We invited six speakers (faculty, staff, and students) to speak on a central theme for three minutes each. The 2016 topic was, "What is the greatest challenge to creating a more just society?" In 2017, we invited a different group of speakers to discuss the question, "How do you build a more just society?" After I left SC to move to TN, my co-organizers continued to host this event every year for the CCU community.

CCU Cryptography Exhibit

In December 2017, my Cryptography students and I hosted an exhibit for CCU on cryptography, password security, and privacy. This was part of the students' coursework but was also intended to help the campus community better understand current issues relating to technology.

Carvers Bay Middle School Curriculum Family Night

In April 2017, I was invited by the Carvers Bay Middle School teachers to share a math activity with students and their families. I was honored to participate in this community event that emphasized family involvement.

Professional Organizations

I am a member of the Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM) and the Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS). I am also on the Spectra Ally List.

Professional Development

I have participated in two tiers of Safe Zone training through the UTK Pride Center. I have also completed the Green Zone Military Cultural Competency training run by the UTK Veterans Resource Center. I am supportive of first-generation students, especially since I am the daughter of a first-generation student, and I have attended first-generation events hosted by the UTK Division of Student Success.