Day 7 - 15 July 2015

Post date: Jul 15, 2015 4:08:45 PM

We are half-way done with our Summer Session Class - just 5 more classes!

Write down what you did after school yesterday.

Share what you wrote with someone at your table.

Share what you wrote with someone at a different table.

Tuyen, Handy, and Timmy

1. TOEFL Practice Test #3

2. Job Interview - After our mock interview yesterday, respond to the interview questions with a positive response to a possible negative question.

3. Write your Resume

Download the document

Type in your personal information

Save to your OneDrive

4. Ventura College

Work on your Course Requirement Checklist - Language (D1 & D2)

David, Jason, Nancy, Amy, Bernardina, and Alvaro

1. Crossword Puzzle

2. Storyboard
