Teaching Philosophy

"Never let the fear of striking out get in your way!" -Babe Ruth

We are a classroom of learners - myself included - and we will respect others, their views, and individuality. There is a reason erasers exists and that is because people make mistakes. We will fail and we will learn from our failures as well as our successes!

"I have failed over and over again, that is why I succeed." -Michael Jordan


I believe we learn first and foremost through action, especially as adolescents and young adults, then from our coaches and educators, and finally through training & education.


SPARK Physical Education: SPARK is a research-based, public health organization of San Diego State University Research Foundation (disseminated by School Specialty, Inc.) dedicated to creating, implementing, and evaluating programs that promote lifelong wellness. - See more at: http://www.sparkpe.org/about-us/#sthash.QlpJ1eSW.dpuf

Mad for iPad

#PEGeeks: Jarrod is a Physical Education teacher from country Victoria Australia, with a passion and enthusiasm for the role emerging technologies play within teaching and learning. He is first and foremost an advocate for lifelong movement and physical activity, however realises the power of 21st century technologies that can shape new age teaching pedagogies.