3. Muslim Immigration


One specific subset of immigration – Muslim immigration - carries with it a special suite of characteristics that have no place in Western civilisation and which should have no place in the Left’s political value system.

One of the most telling signs of the growing Islamicisation of the West is to be found in babies’ names. Muhammad (or its variants) was the top name for baby boys born in England and Wales in every year from 2011 to 2016, according to the UK’s Office for National Statistics. It was also the most popular name for newborn boys in the Netherlands in 2016 and 2017. It is one of the most popular boys’ names throughout Northwest Europe, a favourite destination for Muslim immigrants.

Muslim immigrants to the West, and their descendants, have a pronounced predilection for separateness from their host citizens. They tend to cohere in poorly-integrating Islamic communities. Ethnic ghettoisation is not unique to Muslim immigrants but the alien nature of Islamic values compared to their surrounding non-Muslim culture predisposes Muslim immigrants to creating internal colonies (often Sharia-compliant) and the creation of no-go areas when they reach sufficient demographic mass. London’s old cockney East End, for example, is now a virtual Muslim republic, a hotbed of Islamic fundamentalism, its streets patrolled by Islamist vigilantes policing women’s modesty clothing and terrorising corner shops selling alcohol.

Muslims have the most trouble fitting in with Western society. France and England, on the other hand, have a great deal of Islam and a great deal of Islamic terror and social dysfunction. Countries with very little Islam - Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Japan - have no problem with Islamic terrorism in their countries, or any other Islamic anti-social pathologies.

Savage terrorism, of course, is the most acute symptom of Islamic pathology but terrorism, despite its spectacular grisliness, is somewhat of a distraction from the religion’s other egregious flaws. Islam, in both its ‘radicalised’ and ‘moderate’ forms, is fundamentally incompatible with the political and social values of equality, tolerance, secularism, pluralism, free speech and democracy which are subscribed to by almost all people in the West.

The social problems associated with Islam are illustrated in the alarmingly high level of support from many, allegedly moderate, Western Muslims for the backwards actions and beliefs of the more extremist Muslim faithful. The former head of Britain’s Equality and Human Rights Commission, Trevor Phillips (a black Briton who is one of the high priests of the politically correct ‘Diversity’ elite) conducted a large survey investigating British Muslims’ beliefs in 2015 (What British Muslims Really Think. He found that many of Britain’s three million Muslims do not want to integrate, that their views aren’t remotely enlightened, and that more than a few of them sympathise with terrorism. The key findings of the survey were:

52% of Britain’s three million Muslims think homosexuality should be illegal in Britain;

    • 39% think that Muslim “wives should always obey their husbands”;

    • 31% think it is acceptable for a man to have more than one wife;

    • 34% do not condemn Muslims who stone those who commit adultery, and

    • 23% support the introduction of Sharia Law in the UK.

Concerning terrorism:

32% refuse to condemn those who ‘take part in violence against those who mock the Prophet’;

    • 4% (around 100,000 Muslims) have ‘sympathy for people who take part in suicide bombings’;

    • 4% also sympathise with Muslims who ‘commit terrorist actions as a form of political protest’, and

    • Just one in three (34%) would report to the police any British Muslim they who gets ‘involved with people who support terrorism in Syria’ (the other two million British Muslims, then, would keep shtum).

A similar situation occurs in the Netherlands, where one survey found that 73% of that country’s Muslims consider their brethren who went to Syria to fight in the jihad to be heroes.

Other UK surveys provide confirmation of British Muslims’ shockingly regressive attitudes on homosexuality and sexual practices:

A 2009 Gallup poll found precisely 0% of British Muslims believe homosexuality is ‘morally acceptable’.

    • According to a 2018 survey by NatCen, Britain’s largest independent social research agency, residents of ‘progressive’, diverse London, which should be a leading hub on social issues, are actually less tolerant of homosexuality and premarital sex than the rest of the country. The researchers casually put this down to ‘religious differences’ but, as well as London housing large minorities of “conservative black Evangelicals and Eastern European Catholics”, London is home to a substantial cohort (13% of London’s total population) of Muslims.

Anti-Semitism is a major ideology embedded deep in Islamic doctrine. This has been poorly researched because the results would be devastating to the multiculturalist faithful.

The problem of Islamic/Western politico-cultural incompatibility is being generationally reinforced in the rapidly rising young Muslim immigrant population in the West. In a 2015 survey of 280 Muslim school students in the German region of Lower Saxony, 4% of Muslim students supported terrorism, 10% had direct sympathies for ISIS and other Islamist terrorist groups, 20% agreed it is the duty of Muslims to spread Islam and “fight unbelievers”, 33% would be willing to fight and die for Islam, 27% agreed that ‘Islamic laws of Sharia, according to which, for example, adultery or homosexuality are severely punished, are much better than the German laws’.

So-called ‘moderate’ Muslim countries give the lie to a centre strand of Islam being amenable to Western values. A 2006 poll in Indonesia found that 58% of respondents in this model ‘moderate Muslim’ nation believed that adulterers should be stoned to death (cited in Mark Durie, Islam, Human Rights and Public Policy), whilst in 2010, Pew Research found that 84% of Egyptians, 86% of Jordanians and 76% of Pakistanis (home to moderate majority Islam) supported the death sentence for apostasy.

It would seem that peaceable, moderate, liberal and reforming Muslims are far fewer than is claimed by Muslim apologists for Islam and as asserted by the Non-Muslim Western detractors of critics of Islam.

Some policy directions for addressing Islam in the West

    • Those Muslims ‘of interest’ or ‘known to’ the security services because of their patent wish to kill us should be deported or kept under house arrest.

    • Their Western citizenship and access to Western welfare should be removed to encourage self-deportation.

    • Islamic terror tourists to Syria or Iraq or Afghanistan should not be allowed to return.

    • Radical mosques and preachers should be investigated with unapologetic rigour and shut down.

    • Islamic schools should be shut down – if Muslims want to send their kids to Islamic schools, let them do so in Bangladesh or Qatar, not in the West. The West is not yet an Islamic country.

    • Most importantly, there should be an immediate end to any more Muslim immigration.

      • All this, as will be pointed at in horror by the identitarian Left, abrogates ‘civil liberties’ and ‘human rights’, practices religious discrimination and requires ‘racial’ profiling. This, however, is the price to be paid for the much greater good of Western safety and social cohesion. Until (if ever) such time as Islam transforms itself into a private belief system that, like contemporary Christianity, is basically socially harmless, the religion and its adherents are best kept at arms length.