Foreign Criminals Welcome

Judicial ‘Diversicrats’ overturn government deportation orders of foreign-born criminals from Australia

In a brief pause from their ritual celebrations of Australian multiculturalism, some journalists (of the old-fashioned, diligent kind) have unearthed the role of Australian government liberal judicial authorities (‘diversicrats’) in saving immigrant criminals from deportation from Australia or allowing in visa applicants of dubious character ( ):

    • Since 2010, there have been 168 immigrants who have accrued “substantial criminal records” whilst in Australia yet who have been allowed to stay here despite a government deportation order, including killers (eight), other violent thugs (66), rapists, paedophiles and other sex offenders (17), drug dealers (33) and armed robbers (23).

    • In 2016-17, there were 5,276 immigrants who were granted a visa after initially being denied entry to Australia on character grounds, including having done jail time overseas.

The architect of this criminal-friendly, multiculturalist farce is the federal government’s Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) which reviews individual appeals against government decisions ( and which costs the taxpayer $150 million a year to run.

The AAT does not like democratic accountability, however, and only publishes around 10% of its migration review decisions which rarely break bureaucratic cover to see the light of public scrutiny. Here’s a specimen, however ( a 44-year-old Iraqi father-of-seven.

Whilst playing the familiar, fake ‘gay Christian refugee’ card to avoid deportation in 2017, this illegal immigrant, who has been intravenously connected to a government disability pension for five years, had racked up 28 criminal convictions (for drugs, violent assault, intimidation, larceny, etc.) since arriving in Australia by boat in 1999. He appealed his deportation order and the soft-touch AAT diversicrats supported him on the grounds that Iraq would not be able meet his mental and physical health care demands which would now be the burden of Australia’s publicly-funded national health service (Medicare).

Or how about Mustafa Kunduraci,

a Turkish immigrant who stabbed to death Korrine Aylward and her partner Greg Tucker at their Moonee Ponds home over a renovation dispute in 2013. If the AAT hadn’t overturned a visa denial for Kunduraci in 1995 and then a deportation order in 2007, the couple’s three children would still have parents and the taxpayer wouldn’t be stumping up the 35 year incarceration costs for the Turkish immigrant ( ).

So what the Australian working class taxpayer gets for their hard-earned is thousands of unwanted rum sorts, foreign-born, welfare-guzzling illegal aliens, chalking up long-term prison costs, and protected by an expensive bureaucratic liberal kritarchy (judicial ruling class). Your taxpayer dollars at work for Diversity!