Tamil morality play

There is an almighty morality play being staged in Australia’s immigration theatre at the moment (ABC News - Tamils deportation appeal). It stars a virtuous asylum-seeking Sri Lankan Tamil family and a heartless government trying to deport them, or so the media, which has been all over this case like a cheap suit, would have us believe.

The facts in this classic immigrant sob-story are, as usual, at odds with the official narrative:

    • Like many other Tamils illegally in Australia, the father is claiming to have had links to the Tamil Tigers which would, he says, make the family a target for persecution by the police if they were to be returned to Sri Lanka. Seven courts, however, have found that these claimed terrorist links are weak or non-existent, and have ruled against the family staying.

    • Before illegally arriving by boat in Australia seven years ago, the father had travelled from Sri Lanka on three occasions, whilst the civil war was on, each time safely returning to the country he now says he fears persecution in.

    • The six years of court challenges bought valuable time to marry and to drop two anchor babies in Australia to increase the chances of permanent residence being granted for the whole family to avoid the dreaded ‘family separation’.

So what do we learn from this little production?

    • That refugee claims should be treated with extreme scepticism – they are likely to be a ruse employed by economic migrants (aka job thieves and welfare scroungers).

    • That claiming to be terrorists to win sympathy reveals the soft touch that Western governments can be on ‘refugees’ – woke officials and the ‘Let Them Stay’ activists have never met a brown, black or Muslim person, even if they are a terrorist, they don’t like because, well, Diversity….

    • That the propaganda that the asylum-seekers are pillars of the local community (regional Queensland in this particular case) means that they are holding down jobs that could and should be filled by Australians.

    • That it is the working Australian taxpayer who is hit up for the pregnancy, health, welfare, child care and legal costs accrued by the illegals.

    • That it ain’t over until the illegal wins. This current high profile deportation case remains stuck in the courts once more after yet another eleventh hour injunction. Another 5,700 illegal boat arrivals are doing the rounds of the courts via pro-bono woke lawyers. The message – keep suing!