2.6 Refugees and Asylum-Seekers

2.6 Refugees and Asylum-Seekers – Mostly a Scam

According to Western political elites and liberal-left activists, most of the ‘refugees’ fleeing to Western countries are doctors, engineers and physicists fleeing terrible civil war and political repression. The reality is, however, that the influx consists overwhelmingly of young, unskilled, poorly-educated, non-English-speaking men, hungry for the free services and benefits from the West’s education, health, housing, social security and other welfare systems, and willing to take unskilled jobs by undercutting the union-won wages of the host working class.

Of the two-year mass swarm of Middle Eastern and African refugees which have flooded Europe in the last few years, the European Commission has said that at least 60% of those arriving in Europe in 2015, for example, were economic migrants and economic migrants have no right to asylum. The large majority of economic migrants fraudulently claim to be refugees because, successfully coached in a paint-by-numbers heart-tugging story, refugee admission is easier than making a case for economic migration through the proper channels.

That most refugees are economic migrants who want the free stuff on offer in the West is also demonstrated by their flouting of international refugee law which specifies that asylum should be claimed in the first country the refugee lobs in – which isn’t going to be in countries like Australia, Britain, the US or EU countries i.e. countries which share borders with nations which are persecution-free.

The 2017 IPSOS survey of 25 countries found that 53% of the population believes that most refugees are economic/welfare migrants (versus 36% who disgree); whilst 39% want their borders closed to refugees entirely. Yet their ‘representative’ governments have policies which fling wide open the migration door to fake refugees.

Australia is also the largest per capita permanent resettler of ‘refugees’ in the world - one of only 27 nations that even do it.