African-Australian crime wave in Melbourne

Melbourne crime wave: Offenders (African-Australians from Sudan) reported as misbehaving ‘groups of young people’

The citizens of Melbourne (the capital of the Australian state of Victoria) are facing a renewed surge in violent crime by African youths. Feral Sudanese gangs (one of which revels in the tag of MTS – Menace To Society) have launched a flurry of home invasions, street riots, car-jackings, armed robberies, aggravated assaults and ramming of police cars [for example,]. The crime spree has turned the once bucolic, neighborly ‘Garden City’ of Melbourne into the South Bronx of Victoria.

The liberal media initially identified the offenders as generic, race-neutral ‘youths’, following the pace set by Victoria’s top cop, Chief Commissioner Graham Ashton, who cited the reign of violence as “misbehavior in public by groups of young people" [ ].

As the facts slowly filtered through the media fog of Political Correctness, it emerged that the high-spirited juveniles were violent Sudanese migrants and ‘refugees’, or their Australian-born offspring.[].

If past form is any guide [], African-Australian anti-social elements are likely to partner with liberal, government-funded, ‘social justice’ lawyers to pocket more taxpayer-funded proceeds through the shake-down racket of compensation for alleged racially-discriminatory policing.

Potential litigation against rank-and-file white cops for doing their job will also convince many of the boys-and-girls-in-blue that enforcing the law against a protected multicultural species is a seriously career-limiting move.

Victorian politicians have also committed to throw further taxpayer money at already well-funded Sudanese ‘community leaders’ for yet more doomed integration programs for the unassimilable.

Not up for questioning at all is the mythical Diversity Dividend arising from mass Third World immigration to Australia. I wish the people of Sudan (and other African countries) the best in sorting out their problems at home but, as your refreshingly blunt President asks, why should we be importing their problems over here.