The Census and 'Diversity'

Some American chowderhead judge has tried to put the kybosh on the US Census collection of citizenship data because it blasphemes against Diversity worship []. On this basis, every Australian government since 1911, when a question on national citizenship was first asked, has been acting criminally and immorally.

Citizenship data, says the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), “is regarded as essential by organisations such as the Australian Electoral Commission, various state electoral commissions and the Department of Immigration and Border Protection”. Determining the proportion of the resident population which is entitled to vote (i.e. lawful citizens) enables electoral boundaries to be drawn to prevent gerrymandering/‘rotten boroughs’ and thus protect Australia’s ‘one vote one value’ electoral system (ABS Census Citizenship and ABS Citizenship Data).

This is the ‘appalling’ citizenship question as it appears in the last Census in 2016:

Appalling, that is, to a ‘woke’ US judge but not to anyone in Australia where the demand is actually for more, not less, citizenship data such as country of citizenship (if not Australian), and dual citizenship.

There is a Diversity blowfly in the ointment of sensible public policy, however. In planning for the 2021 Australian Census, the ABS is testing a change to the ‘Sex’ question (ABS 2021 Census Sex Question Change) because some submissions to the ABS have maintained that ‘Male’ and ‘Female’ are “too limiting in response to questions on sex or gender”. Also being pondered by the ABS is the inclusion of a new Census question on “Sexual orientation”, which is “not limited to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and/or Intersex (LGBTI)” but expanded to include the tiniest of miniscule variations on the sexual rainbow.

In Australia, as in the US, the loss of good governance appears to be the price paid in the search for Diversity brownie points.