The contemporary is wilfully blind to the anti-immigration values of the working class in the developed West, values which were the dynamic pulse of both the Brexit and Trump phenomena in 2016. To preserve its multiculturalist credentials as one remaining vestige of its radical veneer, the contemporary Left has been in denial about the saliency and legitimacy of concerns over immigration amongst the working class in the West.

This side of a classless, colour-blind, borderless world of perfect equality where every global inhabitant enjoys First World living standards in perfect environemnatl harmony with the natural life-support systems of the planet, there will need to be national border controls to protect the living standards of national working classes in the developed world.

Meanwhile, most public discourse on immigration is conducted at an infantile level. It is heavily moralistic and emotional - migration is human right, it is argued and hard-working brown people from south of the border and the rest of the world’s poor are entitled to migrate to richer ones that offer more opportunity and only nasty racists who lock up their children in cages would object to this. The approved script is predictable and tiresome. The outcome, however, is that the traditional "way of life" of domestic working class communities is being beseiged, diluted and threatened with its very existence by mass, legal and illegal, immigration. Import enough immigrants and developed countries would turn into a third-world countries themselves.

Immigration – A Populist Left Program

Rather than supporting unrestricted mass immigration to the West in the name of ‘anti-racism’, Diversity, etc., a Populist Left would advocate:

    • A massive reduction in legal immigration to close to zero;

    • A total ban on Muslim immigration;

    • Deportation of all illegal immigrants, starting with those who have committed crimes;

    • Extreme vetting of all migrants claiming to be refugees;

    • Construction of walls and other physical barriers to stop ambulatory illegal immigration by land; boat turnbacks to stop illegal immigration by sea; and a rigorous clampdown on illegal visa overstays to stop illiegal immigration by air;

    • Encouragement of would-be immigrants to remain in their home countries to organise politically for improved jobs, living standards and services, in the same way that as the developed world’s working classes have done through a long history of class struggle and revolution.