Diversity heresy downunder

‘Diversity’ Heresy Down Under

A minor outbreak of ‘Diversity’ heresy in Australia has just been nipped in the bud. With an election looming in the state of Queensland, the leader of the federal Labor Party opposition (Labor is the centrist-left equivalent of the Democrats) featured in a TV advertisement ( http://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-05-08/labors-australians-first-ad-sent-to-shortens-office-for-approval/8508660 ) last weekend committing the party, if elected, to employing ‘Australians First’, including upskilling them, ahead of importing foreign workers.

To make the point, the ad featured a dozen Australian workers. True to Australia’s Anglo-Irish-European heritage it was a sea of white faces (Australia’s Aboriginal heritage had left the country exactly where it was when the first occupants arrived some fifty thousand years ago, apart from hunting to extinction all the weird and wonderful megafauna of those times). The liberal commentariat immediately screamed ‘racism’, of course, because, amongst the twelve faces, there was not a hijab to be seen, nor an Indian IT worker, nor any dark-skinned migrant and only one Asian.

The federal Liberal Party government (the Liberals are the centrist-right equivalent of the Republicans) opportunistically seized the multicultural moral high ground (think of the ethnic votes!), accusing Labor of stealing the electoral clothes of the One Nation Party (an immigration-restrictionist, economic nationalist party along Trumpist lines) which is polling strongly ahead of the state election.

Labor immediately caved, pulling the ad (ah, those ethnic voting blocs!), committing PC hari-kari with groveling recantations (‘a bad oversight that won’t happen again’, a ‘shocker’, ‘not the sort of ad that I want my party to be promoting’, etc.).

‘Diversity’ re-education has been scheduled within Labor.