1918 May 11
At last a letter!!! The one you wrote Apr. 3rd came today & I will never be able to tell you how happy I am to receive it. It was marked “I” Pretty slow time – some of the fellows got letters dated Apr. 17th today. Keep right on sending them c/o Chief Ord. Officer – it will save time.
Too bad about Mrs. Corry. Give my best to the girls & express my sympathy.
Am awfully sorry to hear that Dad has been sick - what was the matter? How is he now? Tell him I often think of him & "Gama" & wish to thunder we were all out riding somewhere (in the USA) I do all my riding on foot here. & lots of it. Once in a very long time I get a hitch on a truck & that is an event.
Have finished school & am about to get a real job - expect my orders about Tues. & have arranged to make a side trip in order see GerGer. I am very fortunate in being picked for the job & am highly complimented, I think. I hate to leave this place in a way - the country is perfectly beautiful - 100% more so than the Fox River Valley - so you may judge how wonderful it is. I am going to a larger seaport & will be the C.O. (Commanding Officer) in our branch of the service. Just why I was picked - the lord only knows - but it wasn't through "Pull" - 'cause I haven't any.
GerGer [Paul Henderson] will have a job soon - he hasn't had one since he arrived - but in a short time he will be located & then I want to be transferred to his command if possible. - It won't be quite so darn lonesome then.
Don't fail to send me pictures of yourself, baby & everything else - your letters are not censored & I am hungry for a look at you all & the house, car, and even the street.
How handy the ?kedge? will be - Your forgot to tell about the new car.
Awfully sorry to hear about George Scott - don't fail to remember me to them all.
The Capt. In the next room has three kiddirs boy & two girls - youngest aged two - & we have a great time lying to each other about our kids - nearly all of the fellows here have children & we all brag & show our picture gallerys off every night - I knocked 'em cold tonight when I told them about "Get the Kaser" they looked politely incredulour & I told 'em to go to blazes.
Call up old Blander and tell her that there is nore crushed stone around hee than I ever dreamed of - they did it all ready for the road - just dump it on & let it go at that - feels like riding over R. R. ties. Tell her to give my best tot he Bunch - not forgetting John O'Loughline.
What is "home nursing" and how do you do it?
Am awfully sorry about Mr Mradiam - he was a dandy old chap. Give the Hencles my very best & tell Horace to write.
Can't imagine Baby admitting that she was sleepy & willing to go to bed - bless her dear heart - I'm glad to hear it.
They shut off the packages because the mail was too congested & because we have everthing we need & because people sent such fool things. Now it is necessary for us to state that the article is for our welfare & the statement must be signed by your superior officer - it is quite a bit of work and bother.
Hope that you don't worry about be now - I am absolutely safe - & in better physical condition than I
Have been for fifteen years - am as solid as a rock & as tough as nails & have an appetite like a farm hand in spite of my lonesomeness.
Did you get the letter Paul told me he sent you? I must look into this. Oh! I got Paul on the wire last Wed. & you can bet his voice sounded good to me. He is about 150 miles from here but we have a private wire - he had just come back from the Front & had enjoyed his trip.
Must go to bed now - lights out in three minutes - 10:27 pm here, 3:15 Aurora - Oh no - 2:15 pm Aurora
I love you & Baby - Oh so much
I do (Viola)