Pull Production &

Pull Manufacturing

Push system

  • System of ordering where orders are issued for completion by specified due dates, based on estimated lead-times.
  • Push manufacturing is characterized by manufacturing to forecast, and emphasizes on batch processing and lot sizes.
  • Each area runs at maximum capacity, and the material is pushed downstream.
  • Push planning methods include MRP, reorder points, and optimum order quantities.

Pull System

  • A method of production control in which downstream activities signal their needs to upstream activities. Pull production strives to eliminate overproduction and is one of the three major components of a complete just-in-time production system, along with takt time and continuous flow.
  • Pull manufacturing is a visual replenishment of goods based on actual demand. Whatever is demanded by the next work center is only produced.
  • Originally TOYOTA adopted this system copying from the grocery business (Super Market) in America. As per this system only the products consumed by the customer were replaced on the shelves.
  • The most important aspect of a pull planning method is dependency on visual signals.

Understanding Push & Pull (Self Learning)

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Push Pull Demo

What is Kanban?

One of the most common tools used in the pull production system is referred to as "Kanban." Although the terms "pull production" and "Kanban" are often used interchangeably, Kanban actually refers specifically to a signal card production system. This system utilizes cards or containers to pull materials or products through the production system. It relies on a simple rule of only producing or delivering when a card or empty container is passed to the workstation.

Main Aspects of Pull Production/Lean Manufacturing

Organizing for Flow - - - (Products, Material-flow, Equipment and Support):

  • It is focused on defining products, equipment and material-flows (process orientation) that can be produced in small lot production runs being “pulled" by downstream customer demands.
  • It is oriented to getting the product to the customer in the shortest period of time and at the lowest cost with superior quality and customer satisfaction.

Pull Planning (with Visual Control)

The Lean team needs to plan for separation of:

  • MRP System function: (Reconciliation – the process of high-level demand planning and scheduling)


  • Day-to-day planning functions (Regulation – the process of regulating command and control sequences within a pull-process environment capable of controlling “workable work” for each production unit and production cell.
  • MRP must also project intermediate and long-range procurement objectives to suppliers.
  • The day-to-day and shift-by-shift operations will need a real-time Plant Operations Control (POC) system preferably visual

Organization for Pull

  • Pull Production demands a re-thinking of the structure, role and responsibility of each individual within the organization.
  • The formation of Production Units operating as “Business Units” & Flat Organization will help to understand the needs of their customers and organize all resources, products and capabilities to support and add value to its customers needs and expectations.
  • Team Empowerment is the key to the success of such Pull Organizations

Performance Measures

  • Performance Measures must be developed in a hierarchy that is cascaded upward and downward within the organization.
  • The measures should be understandable, simple to administer and enable management and team members to easily make decisions and take action when appropriate.

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