
Research hypotheses are the basis for most scientific work, including ethnobotany. Hypotheses are related to theories. Quite often theories generated from one research project become the basis of hypotheses in subsequent projects. Here are some examples of the ethnobotanical theories from the journal Economic Botany.

There are two ways to complete this assignment. If you do not yet know what you want to do your course research project on or only have a vague idea, then select option one. If you have a good idea about the focus of your research then you may select either option.

Option 1: Identify one published ethnobotany research article that strongly builds on an hypothesis. (The same publications may not be used for the method and hypothesis assignments.) You must indicate the hypothesis, how it was tested, and if it was found to be supported or not. A written summary of the research in two paragraphs (using a format to be assigned in class) is worth up to 40 points.

Option 2: Identify one published research source that can serve as the background basis for the research hypothesis that you plan to test for your course project. This should be clearly cited in a paragraph that is written as an introduction to your research. In a second paragraph, very clearly state your hypothesis and at least two alternatives that you will be able to evaluate and either accept or exclude. This assignment is worth 40 points.

(expected time to complete: 2 hours)

Examples submitted by students are available to students currently registered in this course on this link.