Other Chess in the ACT
As well as the various chess clubs we have other chess held in Canberra.
The ACT Junior Chess League (ACTJCL) is a chess organisation for junior (u20) chess in the ACT. It runs a range of tournaments of all different time controls as well as interschool chess and coaching groups designed to help improving players.
For more information go to their website http://www.actjcl.org.au/actjcl or contact Alana Chibnall alanachibnall@hotmail.com.
Street Chess
Street Chess is not affliated with the ACT Chess Association however it is a social event for serious and casual chess players. Street Chess is held almost every Saturday in the year from 10:45am until about 3pm in Garema Place in Civic outside King O'Malley's. It is a 7 round rapid tournament with 15 minutes per player per game. Entry is $5 for players over 16 (under 16s can play for free) and there is $100 worth of prizes guaranteed each week.
For more information visit the website http://www.apex.net.au/~shaun.press/streetchess/ or contact Shaun Press shaunpress@gmail.com.
Canberra also has a number of chess tournaments that are run throughout the year. The main one of these is the Doeberl Cup, an international tournament held on the Easter long weekend that attracts strong players from all around the world. We also have the ACT Championship, as well as the ACT Lightning Championship and ACT Rapid Championship.
Information about these tournaments will be placed on to this website when it becomes available. It can also be found at Ian Rout's website http://www.ianandjan.com/ian/.