AGM Minutes 2017
ACTCA AGM Minutes – 13 April 2017 – Held at University House
1. The meeting opened at 7:36 p.m.
2. Attendees
Cam Cunningham (President)
Alana Chibnall
Erik Jochimsen
Albert Winkelman
Dillon Hathiramani
Athena Hathiramani
Matt Radisich
Shun Ikeda
Phillip Vels
Shaun Press
Paul Dunn (Secretary/Treasurer)
3. Apologies
No apologies.
4. Minutes of Previous AGM
Minutes of the previous AGM were distributed to the attendees. The minutes were amended to include Shun Ikeda to the attendees (Ikeda/Press)
Moved to accept the amended minutes (Jochimsen/Chibnall). Passed (1 abstention).
5. Matters Arising
Erik Jochimsen asked for clarification about the non-filling of the Secretary position. The Chairman clarified that the position was not filled at the AGM, but the Committee had appointed the Treasurer to fill this position.
6. Committee Report and Statement of Accounts
Cam Cunningham gave a verbal summary of what has happened over the past year. Copies of the Statement of Accounts were distributed to attendees.
Moved to accept the report and Statement of Accounts. (Chibnall/Radisich). Passed.
Moved a vote of thanks to the committee. (Radisich/Cunningham). Passed.
7. Election of Office Bearers
Cam Cunningham declared all positions vacant and handed the meeting chair to Matt Radisich.
Matt Radisich called for nominations for President. Cam Cunningham was the only nomination (Chibnall/Press) and was declared elected.
Matt Radisich handed the meeting chair back to Cam Cunningham.
Cam Cunningham called for nominations for Vice-President. Shaun Press was the only nomination (Radisich/Jochimsen) and was declared elected.
Cam Cunninghame called for nominations for Secretary. Phillip Vels was the only nomination (Chibnall/Radisich) and was declared elected.
Cam Cunningham called for nominations for Treasurer. Paul Dunn was the only nomination (Winkelman/Chibnall) and was declared elected.
Cam Cunningham called for nominations for ACT Junior Chess League delegate. Alana Chibnall was the only nomination (Winkelman/Cunningham) and was declared elected.
8. Other Business
ANU Chess Festival
A report was given of the problems and the cash shortfall of the 2016 event. It ws decided that the Junior event would not continue, but would be incorporated in ACT Junior Chess League events. The Open and Minor would continue as in previous events, but the Friday night event would not continue. The planned dates this year would be 29 and 30 July 2017 and Shun would approach the School of Art to find out whether it was available.
Vikings Weekender
It was decided that Mitchell Jones would be contacted to see if he could arrage the venue at the Vikings Club. The planned dates are 25 and 26 November 2017.
Committee Members
Shun Ikeda asked whether he could attend Committee meetings. The chairman said that he would be welcome to attend and noted that any member of the ACTCA could attend Committee meetings if they wished.
9. Meeting Closure
The meeting closed at 8:22 p.m.