AGM Minutes 2018
ACTCA AGM Minutes – 29 March 2018 – Held at Southern Cross Club, Woden
1. The meeting opened at 7:59 p.m.
2. Attendees
Cam Cunningham (President)
Alana Chibnall
Charles Bishop
Roy Teymant
Michael Kethro
Milan Grcic
Junta Ikeda
Shun Ikeda
Andrew Brown
Shaun Press
Paul Dunn (Acting Secretary/Treasurer)
3. Apologies
Philip Vels
4. Minutes of Previous AGM
Minutes of the previous AGM were distributed to the attendees.
Moved to accept the previous minutes (Teymant/Shun Ikeda). Passed.
5. Matters Arising
There were no matters arising from the previous minutes.
6. Committee Report and Statement of Accounts
Cam Cunningham gave a verbal summary of what has happened over the past year. A discussion of the success and problems of the ANU Chess Festival and the Vikings tournaments took place. It was decided that the format for both tournament would remain the same for this year. Copies of the Statement of Accounts were distributed to attendees. A discussion took place on some of the details of the accounts.
Moved to accept the President’s Report and Statement of Accounts. (Shun Ikeda/Teymant). Passed.
7. Election of Office Bearers
Cam Cunningham declared all positions vacant and handed the meeting chair to Alana Chibnall.
The Acting Chair called for nominations for President. Cam Cunningham was the only nomination (Teymant/Shun Ikeda) and was declared elected.
Alana Chibnall handed the meeting chair back to Cam Cunningham.
Cam Cunningham called for nominations for Vice-President. Shaun Press was the only nomination (Chibnall/Shun Ikeda) and was declared elected.
Cam Cunningham called for nominations for Secretary. Phillip Vels was the only nomination (Dunn/Bishop) and was declared elected.
Cam Cunningham called for nominations for Treasurer. Paul Dunn was the only nomination (Chibnall/Teymant) and was declared elected.
Cam Cunningham called for nominations for ACT Junior Chess League delegate. Alana Chibnall was the only nomination (Teymant/Shun Ikeda) and was declared elected.
8. Other Business
ANU Chess Festival
A discussion took place about the Festival and it was noted that the reduced format was much more successful. The planned dates this year would be 28 and 29 July 2018 and Shun would approach the School of Art to find out whether the venue is available.
Vikings Weekender
The previous Vikings event was very successful and it was proposed to continue with the same format as last year. The planned dates are 17 and 18 November 2018.
Prison Outreach
Roy Teymant reported on the Prison Outreach program which started about two years ago. Roy’s view is that it might not proceed.
Hennessey House Outreach
Cam Cunningham reported on a proposed program with Hennessey House. The details are not finalised and discussions are still taking place.
9. Meeting Closure
The meeting closed at 8:50 p.m.