Hanton Tarrant by Paul Hopkins

Layout Owner: Paul Hopkins

E-mail: phemail1@yahoo.co.uk

Telephone: 07767 606055

Web sites: www.bognorregismrc.co.uk & www.3mmsociety.org.uk

Scale: 3mm / ft

Gauge: 12mm 

Layout Size: 11ft x 2ft

Operator space: 12 ft x 7ft


A small Southern branch line terminus LBSC country in Sussex using features from the around the county. The layout was originally named Bulverhythe and built by the late Peter Bossom. It has recently been renovated restoring the track to 12mm gauge and adding additional features that would add to the charm of the original layout. The railway operations are based on those around the Littlehampton area, and it can be operated in any time period between 1940 and mid 1960’s, with electric and steam services. The track design includes a sector plate fiddle yard at the rear of the layout provide storage capacity for up to 6 trains. All of the buildings are scratchbuilt, as is most of the locomotives and rolling stock and are typical of the area and periods modelled.

Track Layout
