Join the 3mm Society
Please note that as from the 1st January 2025 our membership rates are as follows:
UK : £25
Overseas including EU (covers airmail postage) : £30
Student / Junior (under 21) (worldwide) : £16
We have updated the "simple text" version of the application form below but not, as yet, the "glossy" version.
You can download our glossy Membership Form or a simple text version and post it to the Membership Secretary, Mike Corp, or you can email Mike at Mike Corp.
Please note that our Membership Secretary and Sales Teams can accept payments using Paypal.
“So as to be entirely clear we should explain that the Society year is April to March. Anyone joining up to 31st December will be deemed to have joined for the full year and will receive a full years supply of magazines (including the issues they missed for that year). Anyone joining from 1st January will be deemed to have membership from 1st Jan until 31st March the following year i.e. 15 months”.
3mm Society Charter and Rules
Our Charter and Rules can be viewed here: 3mm Society Charter and Rules
General Data Protection Regulation
Our GDPR Policy can be viewed here: 3mm GDPR Policy
Volunteers - click to view 3mm Society Volunteers
What will happen to your 3mm models?
Have your considered what will happen to your 3mm models when you die? Click the link above for advice and help offered by the 3mm Society.