At the AGM 2009 with Geoff Helliwell

John Suttons saddle tank based on an RSH loco

Another view, no excuse, I just like Industrials

City of Truro built by Peter Stratford

Peter was 1st in the Tony Birch

Steve Moor built a very well weathered Standard 3 from a 100-1 kit and came 2nd

Highly comended went to Tony Seal for a Schools 915 Brighton

Another side on view of the Schools

Tony Briddon's ex LMS Compound

Nice view of the Tender

Highly Commended for Bob Oldham's Std 4

Another view this time of the pipework under the cab

Jubilee Thunderer by Tony Briddon

Andrew Shillito built a new kit from F&S an ex LMS 1F

LMS 3F by Alan Catlow

Andrew Shillito got the Modern image trophy back with a Judith Edge ex LMS diesel

Bob Oldham got HC with the LMS Inspection Saloon

Graham Shirley got a first for the GNR Elliptical-roof stock

Tony Seal again with ex LSWR coaches

EWS bogie box wagons by Robin Idle

Another view of a pair of wagons

Colemans Mustard Van by Roger Whitlam

Photos by Geoff Helliwell

See more of Geoff's photos from the AGM 2009 (Google Photos album)

Last updated: 22-05-21