At the AGM 2007 with Geoff Helliwell

NE BT tank by Peter White

LNWR 0-8-0 by Bob Oldham

LNER V1 a Worsley Works kit by Alan Smith

LMS Fairburn 2-6-4T a Worsley Works kit built by Tony Briddon

ex LNER A1 4-6-2 60130 Kestrel a Proscale kit built by Peter White

Another view of this superb model

SR Q1 0-6-0 By Paul Hopkins

LMS Patriot 4-6-0 scratchbuilt by Tony Briddon

Another Patriot View

ex SR Lord Nelson 4-6-0 by Adrian Westbury

Resin Warship by Adrian Westbury

Irish GSR 5'3" Gauge J15 by Andrew Shillito

LMS Jackshaft Diesel by Andrew Shillito

LMS Diesel from a Judith Edge Kit

Resin class 20 by Bruce Smetham

Class 33 and Brake Tender by Peter Bennett

Class 33 and Brake Tender

Original Warship by Peter Bennett

Blue class 03 by Bruce Smetham

Front view of class 03

Class 24 built by Adian Westbury

Top View of Peter's Warship

Green Class 22 by Andrew Shillito

Class 22 A Worsley Works Kit

BG with Worsley Works sides on Triang base by Bruce Smetham

LNWR 42' passenger full brake built by John Sutton

LSWR set 109 built by Tony Seal

GWR Siphon F built by Paul Hopkins

Irish GNRi 5'3" Gauge K23 buffet by Andrew Shillito

GWR Full Brake by Paul Hopkins

North Eastern Autocoach from Peter White

NE Auto Train complete by Peter White

4TC by Paul Hopkins

Irish tank wagons from Steve Moor

GNRi Brake van from Steve Moor

Private owner Wagons by Paul Hopkins

Culkerton goods shed built by Bob Brown

GWR Station Building by John White

Another view of the platform side

This is such a nice model that I have included 3 views of the undertakers office by Howard Love

LLanfyllin signal box by Peter Gentle

Another view of this delightful box.

Disused Windmill by Geoff Beecroft

Photographs by Geoff Helliwell

See more of Geoff's photos from the AGM 2007 (Google Photos album)

Last updated: 23-05-21