At the AGM 2006 with Nick Smith

John Sutton's C13

John Sutton's LNER N2

Andrew Shillito's ex LSWR G6

Tony Briddon's LMS Crab

Andrew Thomas' GWR Steam Sentinel

Colin Cook's LBSC D3

Bob Brown's GWR 2251

Vic Freemantle's SR E1R

Mick Rawlings' UTA Jeep

These three pictures show Geoff Helliwell's GWR 1854, A future F&S kit

Mike Battersby's Downton Signal Box

Bob Brown's Stanton Station

Bob Brown's Malmesbury Signal Box

John White's GWR Weighbridge Office

Steve Moor's Irish Wagons

Paul Hopkins' SR Vans

Peter Bossom's Private Owner Wagons

Bruce Hoyle's Quint

Bruce Hoyle's plate wagon and brake

Peter Bennett's class 73 on PIKO Taurus chassis

Peter Bennett's refurbished class 50

Andrew Shillito's 04 in green livery

Andrew Shillito's CIE "G" class

Photographs by Nick Smith

Last updated: 23-05-21